
Hi, and welcome to the This Has to be God! blog! We're pretty amazed at what God is doing in our lives, starting with pulling together a lyricist from Texas and a musician from Romania to write songs for His glory. If you want to read the whole story of how we "met" and got started, you can click the "in the beginning" label down to the right. Or just click here.
Of course, we love feedback! You can leave a comment on any post on the blog, or you can e-mail us at thishastobeGod@psalm686.com.
Enjoy the blog, and may God richly bless you!

Saturday, July 11, 2009


(photo credit: Amber Miller)

OK, here are the pictures, etc. from when Raluca and I met last Sunday in Chicago. :) All photos are credited to Hannah Michelle L. unless otherwise marked. Thanks, Hannah! :)

A quick rundown on our day:
Hannah (a mutual friend of ours) and I met Raluca at her church in a Chicago suburb Sunday morning.
(photo credit: Amber Miller)
We hung around for a little bit talking, met Raluca's aunt (a sweet and beautiful lady! :)), and then loaded up in my car to head to the house of another mutual friend, Heidi.
They fed us in fine style and then we stayed at their house for the afternoon, talking, laughing, taking pictures, and playing a game called "Loaded Questions". (quick bit of trivia: Raluca's favorite childhood meal was spinach (her grandmother's spinach, she was quick to specify!), and my favorite breed of dog is Rottweilers. Just FYI. :))
(photo credit: Haley Miller)

Then we went to Heidi's church, which is where we sang "Love Did" (see video in post below).

After church, we hung around for a little while talking to my sister Amber and her friend Kezia, who had driven over to hear us.

And we had a fun little "tailgating party" in the church parking lot with Heidi, Hannah M., Hannah K., Raluca, and myself--all members of the Ernie Haase & Signature Sound message board! :)

During this "party", Curious George got to meet a Romanian. :) (my sister and I brought my brother's monkey with us to take his picture around Chicago.)

Then Raluca's aunt came to pick her up and we parted ways with more than a little sadness. But a WHOLE lot of joy and good memories! :) It was a fun day, for sure.

Raluca and her aunt, Mihaela

(photo credit: Haley Miller)
Hannah and Raluca

Haley and Raluca

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

We did it!

We finally met! :) It was so much fun!
And...we sang together! :) A mutual friend of ours (whom we also met for the first time on Sunday) asked us to sing one of our songs at her church Sunday night. We sang "Love Did", and aside from some technical difficulties it went pretty good! My sister video taped it for us, so here's the video on YouTube...and I'll post pictures as soon as I get around to it, including an updated profile picture of us actually together. :)